About us
Established in 2009 in Thailand, the Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla Scientific Foundation is focused on building an advanced (higher) level in education, science and technology; supporting the excellent research in a sustainable manner and encouraging the very best, truly creative scientists to go beyond established frontiers of knowledge and the boundaries of disciplines.
Funded projects are identified by a top-class, independent scientific commission.
Donations and capital contributions are welcome.
- Support of excellent top-class research projects.
- Facilitate new forms of cooperation between universities, and research institutes as well as between the brightest of the world's global scientific citizenry.
- Evaluate new fields of research and in an advisory role, assist in placing future emphases.
- Initiate collaboration between research institutes and corporations.
- Establish an institutional platform for future forms of cooperation and collaboration within the research community.
Our Vision
At present times the scientists discovered something that challenged the basic understanding of physics developed over the entire century: dark energy. This fact accelerated the international competition to find answers to questions about the origin, evolution, composition, and behavior of the universe. The leading countries regard it as a matter of the national priority of this field and the associated level of commitment to pursue Einstein’s scientific program is an important issue.
The pursuit of answers to the fundamental science questions at the heart of the Einstein’s Scientific Program is an awesome work. It will influence the rate of the progress in the countries and worldwide and might righteously be called as the Next Scientific Revolution.
The best and brightest of the world's global scientific citizenry to step up to this challenge and the actively engaged and enlightened political leadership, scientific enterprises and resources to make this happen. The vitality of the scientific research fosters the knowledge base, technology, and prestige with which the countries compete on the world stage.
The impact of this Scientific Revolution will be felt far beyond the science and technological developments worldwide as well as it will help to improve the quality of life.
The Structure
The AENT Foundation is an independent, science-led foundation that has been established as a foundation under public law.
Message from President
We are honored to announce the establishment of Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla Scientific Foundation (AENT).
The aim of our scientific foundation is distribute the knowledge of the heritage left by Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla to the humanity, as well as to broaden the R&D research and continue to look for key mysteries about the forces and Laws of Nature.
At present more and more scientists and technologists begin to understand the value of the scientific program left by A.Einstein and brilliant experiments by N. Tesla.
The world scientist are looking forward to the next level of scientific developments and technological innovations. Science and technology can help solve global challenges and deserves more attention.
Our foundation aims to support serious scientific initiatives that solve real problems. We need the best and brightest of the world's global scientific citizenry to step up to this challenge and we need the political leadership and resources to make this happen.
AENT made an effort to establish the cooperation of the international team and look forward for the advanced developments of the huge scientific program, which will eventually lead us to finding the solutions to the major problems that we are facing at present: environmental pollution, clean energy, as well as improvement of the quality of life and wellbeing.
We would like to encourage and support the unique and daring researches that may bring most benefits to Thailand as well as to humanity.
We are delighted that AENT is making this a priority and we at AENT would be delighted to be of help in any way that we can."
AENT Journal
- Preterm Caesarean Section Impacts, Marina Lobova, Virulh Sa-yakanit, Phichai Tovivich, Dheera Pong-anant
- Warpdrive of Alqubierre and Tolchin, Gennady Shipov and Andrei Sidorov
- The Effects of the Chanting Sessions upon the Human Health, Marina Lobova and Phichai Tovivich
- Shipov's Vacuum Equations and a New Scientific Paradigm, Marina Lobova